• Tori Solea’s commitment to comfort has been recognised by SATRA, the leading footwear research and development laboratory. They confirmed that our comfort level is comparable to that of a fashion trainer.

  • The tests conducted by SATRA
    involved participants comparing
    Tori Solea's heels to those of leading designer brands, assessing both the comfort and longevity of the Comfort Sole Inner Padding.

  • The results from these tests found that Tori Solea's heels not only surpass other leading designer brands in terms of comfort but also established a groundbreaking new global standard for heel wearability.

Learn more about our unmatched cushioning technology

Rejuvenating Technology

Our cutting-edge technology features cushioning at the ball of the foot, inspired by the torus shape, ensuring continuous energy revitalisation.

Our Comfort Sole Inner Padding is designed to massage the foot, enhance blood circulation, and alleviate discomfort, while also offering lateral arch support to help redistribute weight towards the rear of the foot for added comfort.

Discover our cushioning technology in action

Less pressure, more comfort

As shown in the image, where the blue represents areas of low pressure and the red represents areas of high pressure, Tori Solea's heels provide increased comfort in underfoot pressure, compared to a leading designer brand.

View the video below to witness our advanced heel technology in action.